The Earliest and Latest Moladot
The Earliest and Latest Moladot

by Remy Landau

The molad does not necessarily coincide with the first day of a Hebrew month. The molad can arrive as early, and no earlier, than the 28th day of a closing Hebrew month, and it can be as late as, but no later, than the close of the first day of a new Hebrew month.

The Earliest Molad Time

The molad can arrive no earlier than 28d;3h;340p in any given Hebrew month.

This earliest possible molad will first occur on the 28th day of Tevet 193,150H.

The Earliest Preceding Molad

The molad can precede the first day of a new month by a maximum of 2d;9h;453p.

This maximum separation between the molad and the new month will first occur on the 28th day of Kislev 193,150H.

It is interesting to note that both of these two phenomenas take place one immediately after the other in the same 355 day Hebrew year.

The moladot for that Hebrew year, and their corresponding Gregorian dates are shown below.

The Moladot For 193150H
Month Moment of Molad First Day Chodesh
Fri  0h 22m 12hl
  Sat 17 Dec  189391g 
Sat 13h  6m 13hl
 *Mon 16 Jan  189392g 
Mon  1h 50m 14hl
 *Wed 15 Feb  189392g 
Tue 14h 34m 15hl
 *Fri 16 Mar  189392g 
Thu  3h 18m 16hl
  Sat 14 Apr  189392g 
Fri 16h  2m 17hl
 *Mon 14 May  189392g 
Sun  4h 47m  0hl
  Tue 12 Jun  189392g 
Mon 17h 31m  1hl
 *Thu 12 Jul  189392g 
Wed  6h 15m  2hl
  Fri 10 Aug  189392g 
Thu 18h 59m  3hl
 *Sun  9 Sep  189392g 
Sat  7h 43m  4hl
  Mon  8 Oct  189392g 
Sun 20h 27m  5hl
 *Wed  7 Nov  189392g 

The Maximum Molad Time

The time of the molad cannot be any later than 23h;23m;8hl of the first day of any month.

This amazing feature of the Hebrew calendar is fully analyzed in the Additional Notes which deal with The Overpost Problem.

Assuming no changes to either the Hebrew or the Gregorian calendars, then this maximum time will first occur on the first day of Shevat 128,459H.

The moladot for that Hebrew year, and their corresponding Gregorian dates are shown below.

The Moladot For 128459H
Month Moment of Molad First Day Chodesh
Sun 20h 27m  4hl
  Mon 26 Feb  124700g 
Tue  9h 11m  5hl
 *Wed 28 Mar  124700g 
Wed 21h 55m  6hl
  Thu 26 Apr  124700g 
Fri 10h 39m  7hl
  Fri 25 May  124700g 
Sat 23h 23m  8hl
  Sat 23 Jun  124700g 
Mon 12h  7m  9hl
 *Mon 23 Jul  124700g 
Wed  0h 51m 10hl
 *Wed 22 Aug  124700g 
Thu 13h 35m 11hl
  Thu 20 Sep  124700g 
Sat  2h 19m 12hl
 *Sat 20 Oct  124700g 
Sun 15h  3m 13hl
  Sun 18 Nov  124700g 
Tue  3h 47m 14hl
 *Tue 18 Dec  124700g 
Wed 16h 31m 15hl
  Wed 16 Jan  124701g 
Fri  5h 15m 16hl
 *Fri 15 Feb  124701g 

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For other Additional Notes click here.

I'd love to hear from you. Please send your thoughts to:

Remy Landau

First  Paged  6 May 1998
Next Revised 25 May 1998